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cemetery5c.gif Poplar Hill Cemetery
Located on 30th Street, between 127th Ave. and 128th Ave. in Allegan, MI

POPLAR HILL Cemetery is located in Allegan County.

"Poplar Hill Cemetery." The Allegan Gazette, 2 June 1917, p. 1

"One of the finest cemeteries in Allegan County is Popar Hill in Montery. It is well-kept, but not better in this respect than some others, but its location is finer than any and its conditions and equipment are not surpassed. It contains many handsome monuments: some of the lots are attractively adorned; the sward is heavy and neatly clipped; it has a vault and chapel; but its chief attraction is the wide and beautiful views afforded of the pictureque surroundingin country. It occupies a high plateau, the view from which extends, several miles in most directions. In about a week there will be worth a long journey to see. The planting of red peonies has become a specialty and there are many large clumps of these striking flowers as well as a considerable number of other flowering plants and shrubs, but at no time will the display be so fine as when the peonies bloom. Largley attended Memorial day exercises were held there Thursday with an exellent address by Rev. E. K. Lewis of Hopkins."

There was no DAR information collected for Poplar Hill Cemetery.



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Zieglar Zimmerman Zoll ??            


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