World War II Calhoun County Gold Star Honor Roll 


The following are the names of 320 young men and one young woman who died while in the service of their country. This Honor Roll was published by the Battle Creek Enquirer and News May 30, 1946 and included pictures of all but two whose pictures were unobtainable. It contains the names of all known dead who lived in Calhoun County at the time they entered service. At the end of the list of known dead are also included the names of two who were still listed as missing in action at the time of publication. The Honor Roll was compiled from the casualty records kept by the Enquirer and News throughout the war. It is with a deep debt of gratitude to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice that we provide their names for those who may be seeking them out.

Our thanks to Calhoun County Genealogical Society Carlene DeMaso who painstakingly transcribed these names from the original article.


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Guy Abbott, Jr.             Leonard M. Griffee          Harold M. Price
Jack E. Adkins              Virgil R. Griffin           Lewis E. Pulsipher
William L. Albert           Shirley C. Griffith         Donald L. Racey
Richard Alexander           Robert J. Halbert           Clayton R. Ray
Stephen A. Alexander        Claude E. Hale              Robert W. Reid
George W. Allen, Jr.        Wilbur L. Halstead          Thomas B. Renkes
James B. Allison            Justin Hamilton             Maxwell L. Reynolds
Orin C. Allison             Joseph F. Harmon            Manley O. Richmond
J. D. Allred                William R. Harriman         Gordon E. Riede
Floyd E. Andrews            Paul L. Hartman             J. Clark Riggs
Lynford B. Austin           Russell E. Hayden           Bernard J. Rinne
Richard A. Austin           Homer L. Hazel              William K. Robertson
Richard A. Babcock          Norval J. Henry             Donald W. Robinson
Clare W. Ball               Claud E. Hill               George Robinson
William D. Barnes, Jr.      Carl M. Hodges              Norman W. Robinson
Jack C. Batty               Harold E. Hogarth           Morris Rogers
Leo Baurs                   David A. Holmes             William B. Rogers
Herman L. Bechstein         Arthur E. House             Andrew C. Rome
LaVern Becker               Murry Houseman              Clyde Sabin, Jr.
George H. Bennett           Jay M. Huff                 John D. Samulak
Walter H. Bennett           Erwin Guy Huggett           Leland R. Sanders
Alpheus F. Berlin           Leonard I. Hughes           Charles E. Sapp
John H. Bos                 Elton Hutchins, Jr.         Arthur W. Schenman
Robert A. Bostater          Loren J. Hutchins           William R. Schick, Jr.
George Bouchard             Richard Imhoff              Ralph Scrogham
Thomas A. Bowden            George E. Ingram            Lewis Sellers
Joseph D. Brabant           Lyle E. Inks                Floyd J. Shaw
Gerald Brand                Joseph Jarosz               Owen H. Sheehy
Adell Braxton               Richard Neil Johnson        Charles P. Shields
Clarice Brazee              Arthur L. Joslyn            Robert Shields
Robert S. Breher            Elvyn M. Kearns             Hugh J. Shirlaw
Robert Breininger           Richard D. Kellogg          Homer L. Shook
Vernon R. Brock             George B. Kimler, Jr.       R. D. LaVerne Shore
Arthur J. Brown             Melvin King                 Charles M. Shull
Everett L. Brown            Richard E. King             Kenneth M. Shultz
Robert L. Brown             Jack E. Kirby               Wesley Simmonds
Thomas C. Brownfield        Robert F. Knerr             Leo F. Smith
Bill F. Bunch               John R. Krauss              Leo P. Smith
Robert H. Burgett           John P. Krepps              Lowell D. Smith
Oscar C. Burnett            Ronald D. Kuzma             William L. Smith
Kearney D. Bushong          George M. Laine             Carroll L. Smoke
Curtis A. Buskirk           Lawrence E. LaParl, Jr.     Calvin D. Snell
Aeil V. Byers               Richard Letts               Clifford J. Snodderly
Gerald O. Cable             Milton A. Lewis             Charles W. Snyder
Lester W. Campbell          Ralph E. Lindeman           Ernest W. Snyder
Max Campbell                Donald Cole Lindsey         Leo Sommers
Richard Lee Cantine         Leo C. Long                 Robert H. Sovern
Murl J. Carey               Chauncey C. Lowe            Jack H. Spyker
Stanley L. Carrick          John Ludlum                 Robert F. Stick
Franklin G. Case            John P. Mackey              Harold Stroble
Robert Casebeer             Neil B. Madison             Samuel L. Sulanke
James W.  Casey             Dallas L. Malone            Richard Sykeny
Leroy A.  Clutter           Joseph D. Markusic          Stanley G. Tautphous
Robert V. Cole              Paul Marler                 Leslie D. Teegardin
Edwin F. Colon              Richard J. Marriott         James E. Teeples
Quentin D. Cook             Russell Marshall            Raymond L. Teeter
Robert W. Cook              Arthur H. Martens           Paul J. Terry
John E. Cooper, Jr.         Arthur J. Mau               James Tomak
Robert S. Courtright        Frank F. Maurer             Lawrence A. Tooker
Harold C. Craig             Harry J. Maxwell            Edward J. Torres
Frederick N. Cryderman      John McBride, Jr.           George E. Turnbull
George E. Dean              Lyle C. McCleary            Clayton O. Tyson
Charles D. DeForest         Chester McCreary, Jr.       Donald C. VanArman
Charles R. DeLong           Carl McGhee                 Arthur H. VanAuken
James DeMaggio              Cleon McIntyre              Wesley R. VanDenburg
Lyle H. DeVault             Alvin G. McIver             Edgar L. Vanderlip
Robert Digby                Richard McKee               Roy A. VanDorsten
John Dilliner               Dennis M. McKeen            Harold F. Vincent
George B. Dolliver, Jr.     Jack McLaughlin             Evergard L. Wager
Kenneth Donbrock            Charles A. McLeod           Donald R. Wakefield
Earl W. Down                Donald J. McNeil            Francis Walker
Reginald Drake              Jack F. Mead                Lewis Marle Walker
Rollin E. Dukeman           Harold E. Metzger           Robert M. Walker
Harold Lee Eakins           Albert A. Miller            Rolly Walker
George W.  Eckelbecker      Clarence Miller             Frank A. Walkerdene
Arthur I. Ecklund, Jr.      Ellsworth W. Miller         Harold A. Wallace
William K. Edge             Arthur J. Mooney            Leonard Walters
Jerry Eisenhood, Jr.        William A. Morgan           John Vass Walton
Gerald A. Ellis             Stanley L. Morley           Allen L. Ward
Russel W. Elushik           Edward C. Morse             Gayle T. Wardle
Paul I. Elyea               Wilfred Morse               Floyd M. Welcher
Allen E. English            Robert D. Mosier            Edward Wells, Jr.
Don B. Erwin, Jr.           Vincent E. Mouleski         Eugene Whitcomb
George W. Erwine            Leston J. Muzzy             Gerald A. White
Raymond D. Everett          Armen Narlian               Paul W. Wilcox
Vergal L. Fales             Floyd Nelson                Roy H. Wilemon
Irving L. Farley            William S. Nelson, Jr.      Laddie J. Willette
Johnnie Fields              Merle A. Nienaber           Woodson J. Williams
Francis C. Flaherty         Graydon E. Niles            Joesph K. Williamson
Carl P. Flannery            Marion F. Norman            Albert D. Winans
Paul T. Fleece              Harold W. Norwood           Delbert R. Winans
James Flynn                 Richard F. Nulf             Peter L. Wines
Winthrop J. Ford            William S. Ogilvie, Jr.     George A. Winter, Jr.
Richard B. Franklin         Edward W. Orr, Jr.          Harley J. Wiseman
John B. Frazier, Jr.        Paul D. Orr                 Perry C. Wiseman
Robert J. Freeman           Richard F. Osborne          Russel G.Wolfersberger,  Jr.
Dale L. French              Merritt Packer              Donald W. Wood
Glen Froelich               Leonard R. Palmer           John A. Worden
Herman Fry, Jr.             Donald H. Parker            Robert F. Wright
Harold Gallihugh            Gloid A. Parker             Donald B. Zaback
James K. Galloway           Nicholas Pavluchik          Jack B. Zonker
Wilfred A. Gibson           Lawrence C. Peck            Missing in Action:
Joseph C. Gieske            Valterre Pellin             Wendell S. Adams
Robert Gill                 C. B. Ross Pennock          John R. Waite
Lawrence C. Glass           Donald A. Perry, Jr.
Clarence O. Gleason         Walter Peterson
Claude R. Goddard           Robert L. Phenis
Donald R. Goodrich          Willis D. Polling
Robert A. Grant             Albert L. Pollman
Orval L. Green              Douglas B. Pongratz


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