Kurt Luedtke, Screenwriter

Kurt Luedtke became a newspaper reporter immediately after graduation from college – first in Grand Rapids, MI and then at the Detroit Free Press. He was executive director of the latter by the time he was 34. At age 39, he shifted careers, and in 1981 had his first effort as a screenwriter produced. "Absence of Malice", which drew on his background in journalism. The film was directed by Sydney Pollack. While the film met with a mixed critical reception, the script earned Luedtke an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay.

With his second effort, "Out of Africa" (1985) with Pollack directing again, he had even greater success. The biography of Isak Dinesen, Danish author, received eight Oscars including Best Picture, Best Director (Pollack) and Screenplay (Luedtke).


Transcriber: ES
Created: 10 March 2006