Wilbur Force

Wilbur Force, whose music parlors are at Julius A. J. Friedrich’s music store, Nos. 30 and 32 Canal street, is a talented violinist, teacher and orchestral director. He is a native of Grand Rapids, born March 31, 1859, and is well known as a musician in this and neighboring cities.

At the early age of six years his violin playing astonished his parents and friends, and gave promise of an artistic career, which has since been more than verified. His first teacher was Carl Zoberbier, then a young man just from the conservatory at Leipsig, and most excellent teacher. This was followed by instruction from Karl Henning, a talented Vienna violinist, whose life was cut short in the midst of a brilliant career. Mr. Force employed the next two years of his life as director of a traveling musical company, during which time he traveled extensively throughout the United States and Canada, acquiring valuable experience as an orchestral conductor; later he passed a year in Cincinnati, under the greatest of German masters, Henri Schradieck, who was so highly impressed by the talent and skill of Wilbur Force, that he used endeavor to induce him to remain in Cincinnati but Mr. Force declined. Since then Mr. Force has been actively engaged as a director and teacher in Grand Rapids. As a teacher he possesses the highest qualifications of patience, perseverance and accuracy. Upon the student with whom he comes in contact his highly sensitive and artistic temperament exercises the greatest influence. At the present time Mr. Force has over forty pupils on the violin, a number of them coming from neighboring cities to receive his instruction. He was instructor (violin) in the West Michigan Conservatory of Music for several years, and a number of his former pupils are now holding professional positions in colleges of music and as conductors of orchestras. He is an honorary member of the Schubert club of this city and has appeared with them in a number of their concerts.

In 1885 Mr. Force married Miss Sara L. Jones, of Detroit, Mich., and two boys have been born to them: Wilbur C., twelve years old, and Clayton I., aged nine.

Mrs. Force is a fine performer upon the piano, and formerly taught this instrument, but since her marriage has ceased giving instructions. They reside in a pleasant home, at No. 283 North Ionia street, and are happy surrounded by a large circle of sincere friends.

Mr. Force’s parents are still living at Rockford, Mich., his father, Britton Force, being prosperous farmer of that place.


Transcriber: Barb Jones
Created: 11 June 2007