Dirk Riemersma

Dirk Riemersma, a retail dealer in wood, at No. 236 West Leonard street, Grand Rapids, Mich., was born in Holland, May 7, 1844, and came to America about sixteen years ago. He first found employment on reaching Grand Rapids, in the Widdicomb furniture factory, as fireman, but also attended to the engine, keeping it clean and cleaning things generally and this labor furnished him a living for nearly four years. He then engaged in the retail fuel business, and by hard work and close attention to the needs of his customers succeeded in realizing sufficient money to purchase his present wood-yard and dwelling about seven years ago, and has here gained the reputation of being strictly honest in all his dealings.

Mr. Riemersma was married, in old country, to Miss Olga Fitsbeck, who has borne him nine children, viz: William, Dirk, David, Ida, Annie, Maggie, Hendrick, Mary and Finchrist, six of whom are still at home. Mr. Riemersma deserves great credit for having made the advance in life which he has reached, as he was worth nothing when he came to Grand Rapids, had no knowledge of the English language, had quite a family to support, and had many difficulties to struggle against and to overcome; but he was by nature industrious, honest and frugal, as well as, persevering, and now owns his own wood-yard, teams and dwelling, as stated, and in comparatively independent of the world. In religion he is a member of the Christian Reform church (Holland), and in politics is a republican.


Transcriber: Barb Jones
Created: 21 January 2009