1856 Grand Rapids Business Directory
To the Public

We cannot issue a work of this kind, without acknowledging the obligations we are under, to most of the business men of the City, for the liberality with which they have subscribed to aid the accomplishment of the undertaking. We met with but few who did not encourage the project by promising material aid.

There seemed to be a general appreciation of the advantages to be derived from the publication of a Directory of this kind; and if it meets the expectations of the people in this respect, the greatest desire of the publisher will be realized.

There is, in all probability, no town in the West that is, at the present time, experiencing a more rapid and healthy growth than the City of Grand Rapids. The improvements that are constantly being made in the surrounding country, the rapidity with which its population is increasing, and is likely to increase in the future, the energetic and enterprising spirit that is possessed by the inhabitants generally, have been, are, and will be a sufficient guaranty to capitalists and business men to make investments and engage in business here, with a safety and success seldom equaled in any country.

The navigability of Grand River, on the banks of which the City is located, the Plank Road from the South, the Railroads in process of construction (the terminus of which, for many years, will be at this city), the almost unequaled water powers, the extensive beds of superior plaster, the abundance of timber and lumber, are a few of the many attractive features of the "Valley City." And they, in connection with the growth and prosperity of the country around, have conspired to build up in a few years what may be called, in the West, a large, and what is known to be a growing and enterprising town.

We may safely assert that no place of its size has superior or artistical talent, and that the mechanical skill and ingenuity displayed here are commendable indeed.

No stranger need hesitate to locate here for fear of being deprived of any convenience which any place enjoys, for all may be found here.

We would invite particular attention to the Cards of the principal business men of the place, which are inserted in the Directory, and with great assurance say, that no one has any occasion to employ or deal with any of such occupations, can fail to be suited or served to his satisfaction, if he will but give them a call.

W. A. R.

May, 1856

Business Directory of City of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Chicago: Scripps, Bross & Spears, Printers, 1856.


Transcriber: Jennifer Godwin
Created: 17 July 2003