Grand Rapids Association of Commerce

The Grand Rapids Board of Trade was organized November 8, 1887, with William H. Anderson, George G. Briggs, Heber A. Knott, Abram May, Amos S. Musselman, Gaius W. Perkins, Sidney F. Stevens, Ernest A. Stowe, and George G. Whitworth active in the organization. Mr. Briggs was the first president and H. D. C. Van Asmus the first secretary.

After the reorganization in December, 1911, under the presidency of E. Alfred Clements, the name changed to the Grand Rapids Association of Commerce. Present officers are: Grover C. Good, president; A. P. Johnson and Laurence W. Smith, vice-presidents; Martin D. Verdier, treasurer; Lee H. Bierce, secretary.

The activities of the Association of Commerce embrace the field which lies outside of the duties assigned to city officials. The association maintains a convention bureau, operates a grain and bean inspection department, has an active wholesale and retail department, and is interested in the development and maintenance of good roads. It is closely affiliated with the Grand Rapids Safety council, the Kent County Farm bureau and the Merchants' Service bureau.


Transcriber: Ronnie Aungst
 Created: 10 December 1999