"I-J" - Name Index - Volume I - Historical
Fisher - Grand Rapids and Kent County Michigan - 1918

Illinois, county of, 23
Immigration, obstacles to, 35
Indiana, territory of, 33
--- Burial ground, 205
--- Claims of, 29
--- Council of 1786, 25
--- Fur trade, 25
--- Iroquois, 23
--- Leaving of, 122
--- Ottawas, 23
Industrial development, 563
Industries, early, 93
Infirmary, county, 249
Irish, pioneers, 90
Isle Royal, 20
Ives, H.H., 95

Jackson, Andrew, 334
Jamison, Julius M., 349
Jay's treaty, 31
Jennison, Hiram, 70, 294
Jenison, Lucius, 81, 294
Jenison, Luman, 81, 294
Jewell, Edward, 354
Jewell, Harry D., 447
Jewell, Oliver P., 327
Johnston, Barton, 241
Johnson, Cornelius A., 436
Johnson, Edgar R., 280
Johnson, Eli, 99
Johnson, George K., 425
Johnson, James C., 309
Johnson, Sabin, 242
Johnson, Simeon M., 96, 448, 507
Johnson, Welcome W., 356
Johnson, Andrew W., 471
Jones, Edward H., 315
Jones, Cyrus, 296
Jones, Thomas, 377
Journalism, 504
Judaism, 397
Judd, George E., 358
Judges, Circuit, 445
Judge of Probate, first, 446
Judkins, J. Byron, 471
Judson, Edla, 215
Judson, Washington, 219
Jurisdiction, early, 22


Document Source: Fisher, Ernest B., Ed., Grand Rapids and Kent County Michigan: Historical Account of their Progress from First Settlement to the Present Time, Chicago: Robert O. Law Company, 1918.
Transcriber: Jennifer Godwin

Created: 17 June 2000