"P" - Name Index - Volume I - Historical
Fisher - Grand Rapids and Kent County Michigan - 1918
Page, Abel, 85, 124
Page, Loren M., 83, 95, 488
Painting, 563
Palmerlee, Heman, 357
Panic of 1837, 94, 158, 333, 334
Pannel, Joseph, 84
Paris township, 244
Park and Boulevard association, 195
Park board, 193
Park, Leonore, L., 473
Park system, 191
Parks, Beriah G., 330
Parks, list of, 194
Parrish, Isaac H., 461
Parnell, 265
Parsons, Wm. S., 250
Patterson, Albert J., 433
Patterson, Lucius, 458
Pattison, George W., 505
Patton, John, 340
Paul, John, 350
Payne, Jeremiah, 328
Pearsall, Sherman M., 273
Peirce, John W., 84
Peirce, P.R.L., 127, 172, 347
Perkins, Cyrus E., 447
Perkins, Samuel F., 82, 165, 564
Peterson, Reuben, 436
Peterson, Simon P., 244
Peterson, William, 331
Pettibone, Knowlton S., 83
Pettingill, Benjamin, 302
Pettis, Edward, 221
Philbrick, H.H., 127
Phillips, Jerome E., 251
Physician, first, 153, 421
Physicians, women, 436
Pickett, Albert L., 303
Picric acid plant, 564
Pictured rocks, 19
Pierce, Byron M., 562
Pike, Abram W., 160
Penney, Joseph, 388
Penwarden, Wm. F., 433
Plainfield township, 223
Plainfield village, 228
Plank roads, 134, 135, 136
Plaster deposits, 19
--- Mills, 112
Platt, Alonzo, 421
Platte, John, 273
Politics, 332, 336
Polke, William, 47
--- Attempt to kill, 50
--- Journal of, 50
Pomology, 556
Population, character of, 80
--- In 1836, 80
--- In 1837, 102
--- Present city, 179
Porter, George B., 63
Porter, John, 354
Porter, Lewis, 346
Post, George, 291
Post, Jacob, 225
Postmasters, list of, 190
Postoffice, established, 64, 155
--- Locations, 190
Potter, Joseph S., 69
Powers, Mark M., 462
Powers, Wm. H., 356
Powers, Wm. T., 132
Powell, Isaac P., 419
Praireville mission, 55
Pre-glacial valleys, 19
Prescott, Francis, 74
Pressey, Austin J., 431
Prince, Erie, 279
Prindle, Clarence W., 356
Probate Court, 446
Porctor, William, 292
Proctor, Henry B., 364
Prosecuting Attorneys, list of 448
Province of Canada, 23
Public library, 412
Public museum, 17, 20, 414
Public works, 183
Pyle, Benjamin, 433


Document Source: Fisher, Ernest B., Ed., Grand Rapids and Kent County Michigan: Historical Account of their Progress from First Settlement to the Present Time, Chicago: Robert O. Law Company, 1918.
Transcriber: Jennifer Godwin
Created: 18 June 2000