Blodgett Sets Capping Rites For Monday
(G. R. Herald - August, 1950)


Capping exercises for 37 students of Blodgett Memorial Hospital School of Nursing will be held at 8 p.m., Monday in the auditorium of Calvin College.

The students will have completed an 11-month pre-clinical period of theory and practice including two semesters at either Calvin College or Grand Rapids Junior College and a summer term of intensive ward practice in the hospital.

Candlelight Setting

Mary Louise Frye, instructor in nursing arts, will present the class in a candlelight setting. Caps will be presented by Frances Graff, Director of the School of Nursing and Nursing Service, assisted by Myrl Alspach, educational director.

Mrs. Phyllis Lautenbach will lead the class in the Florence Nightingale Pledge. Donald Pempin, organist and choirmaster at St. Mark's Cathedral, will be soloist, accompanied by Dorothy Goossen. Senior students participating in the ceremony will be Bonnie Fuller and Helen DeVries.

An informal reception for friends and relatives will be held at the Nurses' Lodge of Blodgett Memorial Hospital following the ceremony.

Grand Rapids members of the class include Phyllis Augustine, Carol Buursma, Dora Byerly, Wilma Bylsma, Arlene DeKoning, Ellen Douma, Donna Hecker, Phyllis Hollemans, Mary Jane Kurkjian, John Kurtz, Mary McAdoo, Betty Meyering, Dorace Moore and Ruth TerVeen.

Transcriber: ES
Created: 18 Oct 2010