Mercy School of Nursing Graduates, August, 1950

For Outstanding Ability, Scholastic, Nursing Achievement


Honor awards to members of the senior class who have shown outstanding ability in scholastic attainment and nursing achievement are presented each year by the Mercy School of Nursing at a graduation breakfast. This year it was scheduled for Sunday morning at the Elmwood Nurses Home.

First honors will be presented to Teresa Dionise of Muskegon, Kathleen Brower of 526 Crawford St., Se, and Janet Sova of St. Louis.
Second honors will go to Mary Therese O'Toole, Muskegon Heights, Barbara Renis, 1347 Davis Ave., NW, Donna Boeve, Holland, Rita Grusczynski, Gaylord, and Barbara Martin of Detroit

Mercy Central School of Nursing was organized in 1935 and approved by the Michigan Board of Registration of Nursing the same year. Full accreditation was granted the school by the National League of Nursing Education in 1942 and by the Accreditation Board of the Catholic Hospital Association in 1939.

Transcriber: ES
Created: 18 Oct 2010