
Martin Boland’s Funeral

Many Friends and His Fraters Attend The Last Rites Yesterday

The funeral of Martin Boland was held from O’Brien Bros. rooms on Ottawa street at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon. The service were conducted by Valley City Lodge, F. & A.M.
The few words of the burial ceremony were soon said, and headed by a guard of masons and Wurzburg’s band the funeral march to Fulton street cemetery was taken up.

The funeral was attended by 150 members of Typographical Union No.39 in a body, by Custer Post, G.A.R., and by Valley City Lodge, F.& A.M., besides a large number of friends who had known Mr. Boland in his lifetime. None of the relatives arrived in time for the funeral, although they were wired of his sad death.
The casket stood in the parlor of O'Brien Bros. place surrounded with beautiful ferns, palms and fall flowers. At the head was a floral piece with these words worked upon it: "Our President, Typographical Union No. 39." At the foot was a tasteful design of a printer’s stick and upon it these words: "Slug 4."  The piece was the tribute of The Herald chapel, of which the dead man had been a member.

The carriers from the Masonic order were D.H. Mosher, M.E. Stockwell, P. J. Lindquist, Charles Simpson, H. J. Long and Fred L. Baker, the two last named being members of the Typographical union. The honorary bearers from the union were W.S. Ryness, Gustave Miller, S.T. Lockwood, W.H. Toot and W.A. Shaw.
The procession was formed as follows: Wurzbnurg’s band, Typographical union, Custer post, Valley City lodge, the hearse, carriages. The services at the Cemetery were short, and Martin Boland was at rest.