2/1942 - T.W. Hefferan-The Peninsular Club lost one of its most active and ardent members in the death Monday morning of T.W. Hefferan, vice-president of Old Kent Bank who was stricken shortly after retiring.

Mr. Hefferan had been a member of the club since 1915 and for a number of years served as its treasurer. The club was truly Mr. Hefferan’s downtown home and he used it completely and consistently. Seldom in his many years of affiliation with the club did a day go by that he did not use some of the club’s departments.

His passing will be source of keen personal loss to his many friends in the club who knew him as "Bill."

Funeral services, Thursday, Feb 12, at 2 p.m. at Park Congregational Church.

Transcriber: Barb Jones
Created: 7 July 2009
URL: http://kent.migenweb.net/obituaries/hefferanTW.html