
Fred E. Hill--Another member who will be greatly missed is Fred E. Hill, president of the Hastings Table Company, who passed away on Nov. 7th at his home on College Avenue.

Mr. Hill was a former governor of the 35th district of the Rotary Club, a member of the board at the Blodgett Home for Crippled Children, on the executive board of the Boy Scouts, a member of the Safety Council and a member of York Lodge No. 410. He came to Grand Rapids in 1902 and was employed at the Imperial Furniture Company as designer for 14 years. He became associated with the Hastings Table Company in 1916 and later became manager and president. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Maurice Houseman, and one son, Fred E., Jr.

Transcriber: Barb Jones
Created: 7 July 2009
URL: http://kent.migenweb.net/obituaries/hillFE.html