Obituary of John W. Squier

John W. Squier - died in this city, Tuesday, September 29, aged 75 years.

This announcement will strike the attention of many of the older residents of this city and county. So long has Mr. Squier lived here and so extensively have his business relations, especially some years ago, connected him with others, that he was very generally known and esteemed, and his decease will be felt as removing one of the old and principal landmarks of our local history.

He was born in New Jersey, October 4, 1799. In his earlier years he lived for some time in Seneca and Yates Counties, New York, and subsequently in Washtenaw County, in this State, moving there in the year 1834. Thence he moved to this city in the year 1842.

He came her in the maturity of his strength, with a large family and with considerable means. His investments and business operations made him at once a useful member of society. "Squier's Flour Mill," on Canal street and the Canal, became and was for many years an "Institution" of the city, and large numbers of our farming population will learn with deep regret of the death of that plain, accommodating, honest man, to whom, for successive years, they sold their grain, obtained pecundary facilities thereon. Strictly old-fashioned in his habits, sturdy in his opinions, reliable always in his operations, daily at his post, affable, though blunt and positive, John W. Squier was known to almost every one of our active community and by all, and particularly by those who had opportunity to learn the "inner man," thoroughly respected and esteemed.

He leaves a widow, the companion of his long live, six children, sons and daughters; large property interests, and the memory of a busy, useful, honorable life on earth. His family loved him; all honored him; his death is mourned, though it comes to him in the fullness of years, and when his work was well and fully done. Peacefully he rests from his labors.

John W. Squier

Vital Records extracted from the Yates County Chronicle (New York)

"A late copy of the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Daily Eagle, handed us by Charles Wagener, Esq., announces the death on the 29th of September 1874 of John W. Squier at the above named place and at the age of seventy-five years.

He was born in New Jersey, 4 October 1799 (unknown place but possibly Essex County). For many years he was a resident of this village, and while here was proprietor of a carding machine and fulling mill in the same building now occupied as a planning mill by Millspaugh & French, just below this village. While here he acquired a wide acquaintance with the people, and he is well remembered by many of the older citizens. In 1i34 he moved to Washtenaw County, Mich., and in 1842 to Grand Rapids, where he became a wealthy miller. He leaves a widow and six sons and daughters."

Mr. Squier is buried in Fulton Street Cemetery.

Transcriber: ES
Created: 31 Dec 2010