1883 Pensioners on the Roll
Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan - Part 4

No. of
Last name
of pensioner
First name
of pensioner
Cause for which pensionedMonthly
Date of
89583 Walters SarahGrand Rapids dep. mother 8.00 ---
80567 Thirster Margaretta do do 8.00 ---
60883 Scruly Malinda do do 8.00 ---
202206 Way James do g.s.w.r. shoulder 2.00 Jan. 1882
196880 Williams Catherine B. do dep. mother 8.00 July 1862
38867 Burley Cornelius do wd. l. wrist 12.00 ---
45454 Bates Alfred G. do chr. diarrhea 4.00 July 1865
165252 Bronson Chancy do g.s.w.l.lung & l. thigh 3.00 Mar. 1880
93534 Brook Lucina do widow 17.00 Apr. 1867
63880 Brown Nancy E. do do 8.00 ---
18236 Cantwel Bridget A. do do 8.00 ---
37962 Grady Mary O. do do 8.00 ---
111954 Brien Ellen O. do do 8.00 ---
68048 Olds Electa D. do widow 8.00 ---
72620 Mayhew Elizabeth do do 8.00 ---
120539 Huntley Sarah M. do do 8.00 ---
162926 Cluff Harvey do g.s.w.r. thigh 2.00 Oct. 1879
90557 Clark Gardner B. do g.s.w.r. arm & l. thigh 9.25 Feb. 1869
81401 Chapman Benj. do g.s.w.r.thigh 4.00 ---
159177 Conner Andrew S. do injury to abdomen 4.00 Oct. 1879
43407 Colton Alva do w.ld. ankle 18.00 ---
55395 Rowland Margaret do widow 8.00 ---
174889 Ryan Eliza do do 8.00 Aug. 1876
113683 Price Mary do do 8.00 ---

1883 Pensioners on the Roll - Kent County Index Page

Transcriber: Jennifer Godwin
Created: 29 March 2000