1883 Pensioners on the Roll
Lowell, Kent County, Michigan

No. of
Last name
of pensioner
First name
of pensioner
Cause for which pensionedMonthly
Date of
180057 Braman Olive Lowell dep. mother 8.00 Feb. 1878
40806 Camus Peter F. do w.r. shr. & dyspepsia 8.00 Apr. 1865
60787 Terry Frank do --- 4.00 ---
107377 Lampman James do inflammation of r. ear 2.00 ---
27698 Bryant George S. do disease of lungs 5.00 ---
114316 Buchler George do g.s.wd.l. leg 10.00 Nov. 1871
74637 Bennett Edward L. do g.s.wd.r.ankle2.00 ---
60785 Conklin Chas. C. do wd. back & l. shoulder 6.00 Mar. 1865
13895 Huxley Edward R. do --- 24.00 ---
13499 Dougall James S. do --- 18.00 ---
194884 Daniels John S. do injury to abdomen 6.00 ---
45804 Fletcher Harriet A. do dep. mother 8.00 Apr. 1865
36562 Smith John W. do g.s.w.r.hand 10.00 ---
47402 Smith Henrietta E. do widow 8.00 ---
194262 Potter Sarah Jane do do 18.00 Jan. 1882
167400 Jordan Mary do do 8.00 ---
96805 White Julia do do 8.00 ---
70699 Williams Marion C. do do 8.00 ---
176160 Newton Alonzo C. do chr. diarr. and dis. of lungs 4.00 Oct. 1880
113677 Newton Jackson do inj. of head 8.00 ---
133106 Houghton Samuel do chr. rheumatism 12.00 Apr. 1875
104827 Hull Sylvanus E. do total blindness 72.00 ---
22970 Negus Salisbury do widow 1812 8.00 July 1878
27695 Latt Ruby A. do do 8.00 Nov. 1879
24513 Whitney Elizabeth do do 8.00 May 1879
20739 King Geo. D. do deafness l. ear 8.00 ---
71065 Morse Benjamin do wd.r.s. of head 8.00 Sept. 1865
88469 Potts William do --- 24.00 ---
44964 Coats Adaine [?] do dep. mother 8.00 ---
170746 Ingraham Livama do do 8.00 ---
71459 Godfrey Francis H do wd. r. shoulder 6.00 ---
50178 Horton Hortense E. do widow 20.00 ---
87861 Gohn Chauncey F. do epilepsy 8.00 Dec. 1867
64104 Milliman Kate do widow 8.00 Jan. 1867

1883 Pensioners on the Roll - Kent County Index Page

Transcriber: Jennifer Godwin
Created: 29 March 2000
Last updated: Thursday, 25-Oct-2001 13:56:37 MDT