Published monthly during the school year by the students of Central High School, Grand Rapids, Michigan
 {Entered at the Grand Rapids Post Office as second-class matter}

Vol. XXXIX - October 1912 - No. 1

Subscription price, single copies, ten cents



Miss Anderson has a leave of absence for several months, to attend Pratt Institute. Her place is to be taken by Miss Charlotte Tibbs, a graduate of Columbia, who taught previously in Cleveland, Ohio.

Miss Christ is in Europe. Her place is filled by Miss Perkins.

Mr. Menhennick and Mr. Sinclair are now in the manual training department of the school.

Miss Vannatta, who resigned in June, is studying music in Chicago.

Miss Hopkins spend the summer in Scotland, England, Holland, and Germany. Miss Rosenthal was in Germany.

Miss Ball was in Toronto part of the summer, and later attended a convention of librarians at Port Huron, Michigan.

Miss Broome went west to the Pacific coast.

Miss Church was in Illinois.

Miss Daniels entertained members of her Sunday school class, and many other Grand Rapids friends at her cottage in Whitehall.

Mr. Bacon was at the Y.M.C.A. camp, and later in Chicago.

Miss Ellis taught in the Western State Normal school.

Mr. Hathaway, Miss Marion Powers and Miss Schweitzer attended summer school in Madison, Wisconsin.

Miss Heaton was in Charlotte, and later up north.

Miss Hinsdale spent the summer at Ann Arbor.

Mr. Holmes worked on the manuscript for the new business course, and later went camping.

Miss Stearns visited in Boston, and made many delightful short trips in the surrounding country.

Mr. White was at the Chicago University.

Mr. Davis was at Whitefish Lake.

Mr. Snell took a canoe trip down the Manistee River.

Miss James spent two very delightful weeks near the lake shore at Shelby.

Josephine Heyman was abroad.

Ingle Whinery, assistant literary editor of the "Helios," is now in Europe. He will return in February.

Robert Bennett, Milburn Palin and Ted Booth cycled thru Europe.

Friends and acquaintances of Miss Helen MacGregor, formerly a pupil of this school, may be interested to learn that she is now teaching a district school near Torrecillas, Texas.

John Tietsort went west thru Canada, stopping at several Canadian resort towns on the way, and then west from Vancouver to Los Angeles, stopping at the principal cities.


Transcriber: Jennifer Godwin
Created: 16 October 2004