1919 Central High School Faculty

1919 Language Teachers

Mrs. Clara P. Anderson, Amy L. Broome, Martha E. Clay, Caroline Elliott
Nellie M. Hayes, Carrie R. Heaton, Alicent Holt, Ethel Louise Knox
Anna W. Miller, Mary N. Owen, Marion L. Powers, Mabel S. Spencer

1919 History Teachers
Frank A. Bacon, Amanda Stout, Alice Vander Velde

1919 Commercial Arts Teachers

LeGrande Albee, Mary F. Baldwin, Fanny D. Ball, Isabelle Chalmers
Lieut. Ralph Conger, Dorothy Crosby, Alfred Epps
Winifred Freeman, Alice Gillette, Arthur H. Holmes
Florence Powers, Almazine Marine, Louis P. McKay, Dorothy Wing
(List above of teachers with no picture)

1919 Mathematics Teachers
Eva J. Daniels, Mabel Inglesh, Mary R. Powers, Ethelberta Williams
Edwin F. Snell, Angeline Wilson, Felix Wilcox

1919 Science Teachers
Mrs. Burnham, Harry Clifford Doane, Lauretta Morrisey
Ray A. Palmer, Burton E. Smith, Frances L. Stearns, Sam Upton

Scanned - transcribed: ES
Created: 19 Dec 2010