Kroger in Your Community

Acknowledgement: This History of Lowell has been made possible largely through the great generosity of the business men and institutions mentioned in the following pages. Grateful acknowledgement is extended.

Kroger Stores have a very definite place in every community where they are in operation. This is not a self-centered assumption but a statement of known fact which will prove itself to those who will stop to consider.

Just what is Kroger to your community. To your first consideration it is merely a neat, attraction chain store where you enjoy trading. On second thought it takes on a different aspect and assumes the proportions of a business establishment that saves money for its customers, offers highest quality merchandise, operates efficiently and sanitarily, handles your smallest purchase with as smiling service as your largest one, and in addition to participation in every community function, it furnishes employment for thousands of people.

Kroger stores pay rent, taxes, and support worthy charities and community enterprises. Kroger employes local help and expects its employees to be active associates in local organizations. In a great many cities Kroger Stores have exhibited a genuine interest in education through the offer of scholarships to local high schools.

In 1883 Mr. B. H. Kroger opened a grocery store. He succeeded and such was his success through faithful service, to his customers, that the present Kroger Co. has become a national institution serving millions of satisfied customers with the same high quality merchandise and profit-sharing prices that it did back in 1883. Now however, the picture is greatly enhanced by over five thousand stores through the middle west which have a total of employees of well over twenty thousand.

From the policies of square deals and service to customers established by Mr. Kroger in his first small store has sprung the present Kroger Grocery & Baking Co., founded on those identical policies; namely, highest quality merchandise for less and infallible service to each and every customer who enters the doors of one of many stores. Through the elimination of middlemen, costly storing, transportation and brokerage of merchandise in carload lots, and through the quick turnover and only through these eliminations is Kroger able to offer its customers the purest, finest, merchandise at prices that enable them to live more comfortable and enjoyable lives.

January 1st, 1931, the Kroger Grocery & Baking Co. set aside one million dollars to be used in establishing and maintaining a highly specialized research dedicated to foods and food values for American housewives and their families. This is your guarantee that the Kroger Co. is sincere in service and unsurpassable in standards.


Lowell Board of Trade, Lowell: 100 Years of History, 1831-1931, Lowell, Michigan: The Lowell Ledger, 1931

Transcriber: Jennifer Godwin
Created: 5 May 2003