~ Rockford Michigan Centennial Celebration Program ~

Women's Christian Temperance Union
For the benefit of many who don't know what the letters "W. C. T. U." stand for, it seems wise to explain that they do not stand for another "federal group" of the letters of the alphabet as some have thought, such as the AAA or FHA, etc. These letters stand for an organization that is over sixty years old, namely the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Way back in the seventies a group of Christian women in Ohio, seeing the terrible toll alcoholic liquor was taking in the destitution of homes, ruined lives and lost souls of the old and young, organized the band known as the "Crusaders."  The same condition of intemperance was prevalent all over our land, so the temperance work grew, and finally became known as the Women's Christian Temperance Union, with Frances E. Willard as the first National President. Every state had its president and local officers. The motto of the W. C. T. U. is "For God, and Home, and Every Land" and the organization truly has spread to almost every land in the world. Its work is by no means confined to teaching of what alcohol is, and what alcohol does. There are many departments such as Christianship, Flower Mission and Relief, World Peace, Child Welfare, Evangelism, Foreign Relations, Legislation, etc., etc. A representative is stationed at Washington, D.C. at all times. The W. C. T. U. is this year celebrating the centennial of Frances E. Willard, the beloved leader whose faithfulness, and consecrated life was wholly devoted to reclaiming for God, men and women sunk in the depths of drunkenness and sin. The city of Rockofrd has in times past had several flourishing temperance societies, "The Good Templars" and "The Red Ribbon Club," besides a W. C. T. U. union several decades ago. The present union was organized on May 18, 1931 with eleven charter members. The present enrollment is twenty-six members. The union sponsors two Loyal Temperance Legions which is the children's work. Our children are the citizens of tomorrow. Shall they be clear-headed and sober or ?. The world of today needs men and women with active minds steady nerves and clear eyes to keep up with the fast moving temper of the times. The homes where our children are growing should be free from anything that we would be ashamed for Almighty God to see. "For God and Home, and in every Land" let us keep ourselves pure.


Transcriber: Jennifer Godwin
Created: 4 February 2000