Allen More
Published March 6, 1863

One of the first settlers of this county, Mr. Allen Moore, died at Farwell, Clare County, on the fifteenth day of February last, of Typhoid Pnemonia, aged 47 years. Mr. Moore moved into the township of Big Rapids, in the year 1855, and resided here for some time, when he removed to some one of the older counties of the State, which one, we are not now advised, and some five or six years ago again changed his residence to this county, and entered a piece of land under the Homestead Law, where his family now is. He was at work when taken sick for Messrs. Varney and Son, hauling supplies from Farwell to their lumber camp, some twenty miles distant therefrom, and so violent was the attack was not able to be taken home, and his family were not apprised of his illnes or death, until his remains were brought to them.

The deceased was an honest and industrious man, and leaves many warm friends who deeply sympathize with his afflicted family, and mourn his early death.