Big Rapids Current Newspaper
Old News 1879 - 1885


Ex-Postmaster Jewell of Hartford was a guest at the Mason House yesterday.

Miss Ida Whitney has been suffering for several weeks with inflammatory rheumatism.

Mr. C. H.Wagener is having a visit with a California sister, who recently arrived in this city.

D. W. Hulsart, the boot and shoe man, can now be found next door south of Vanderluis', in the place recently vacated by Laur.

Doctor J. F. Pease of this city has located at Gowen, Montcalm County, where he will practice his profession and keep drug store.

T. G. Laur has removed his candy store and restaurant to the first buulding north of the express office, where he finds more ample accomodations for manufacturing purposes.

Lawyer Carpenter expects to be located in his new office about the first of next week. His new office is located over Hobart's bookstore - front rooms; not far from the Current office.

6 Mar 1879

Doctor Whitney and wife are home again.

Benjamin Palmer has returned from Kalamazoo in a greatly improved condition.

S. Wildberg of the "Grand Central" went to Chicago last Monday after his spring goods.

Go in and see the improvemnts which have been made in Parker & Carpenter's.

The old city bakery has passed into new hands. G.W. Marsh of Greenville is the new proprietor.

Mrs. D. W. Moody, who has been seriously ikk the past week, is now thought to be some better.

Doctor Reynolds at armory hall tonight.

Doctor Wood is visiting friends in Indiana.

Will Sachen has become a resident of Cadillac.

Marsh & Axtell's office has been removed to rooms over the post office.

Mrs T. D. Mulberry will visit relatives in Fort Wayne next Saturday.

C. W. Perry, a nice loking little lawyer of Howard City, was in town yesterday and spent a few minutes in the Current office.

Last Tuesday a young man by the name of Carter was arrested and fined $5 and costs for assaulting a man by the name of Turnbull.

Last Saturday we received a call from Doctor Torrey of Morley - not a professional call, however. The Doctor only wanted to see how well we looked - or something of that nature.

Doctor Patterson's house at Millbrook was burned a few days ago, and on Monday Messrs. S.S. Griswold and D. Roben of this city went down there and adjusted the loss, said house having been insured by the above named gentlemen.

A shocking and fatal accident occured at the residence of Mr. Stephen Curry on Saturday morning last, the particulars of which are as follows: The mother of Mrs. Curry, a Mrs. Harmon, in attempoting to go down stairs with a young infant in her arms, lost footing and fell to the bottom, causing almost instant death of the infant, and such injuries to herself that she died on the evening of the same day.


M. Carman has been to Detroit during the past week purchasing new goods for the spring trade.

D. H. Brown and wife are visiting friends in Kalamazoo county.

The Altona school will close its winter term next Friday.

6 Mar 1879


GREEN - At his residence in this city, on the 19th inst - of consumption, Mr. Wm. D. Green, aged seventy one years.

Mr. Green came to this county in the spring of 1855, and bought farming lands in the township which bears his name. His sons came here in the autumn following and have since lived here. In the year 1869 he removed to Big Rapids with his family, and since lived here in the city. He was a peioneer in western New York, and was possessed of thoise physical and mental qualities which make sturdy and resolute successful men. He was exact and honest in all his dealings. He was an honest law-abiding citizen, and a Christian, and, altogether, such a man as the world needs more of.


Mrs. H. G. Lazell is visiting friends in Muskegon county.

Mrs. David Westfall returned home from Spring Lake Monday.

Frank Tanner, the lad who was stabbed last week, died of his wounds last Friday morning.

Miss Ada Baldwin, a teacher in the Hersey school, has been visiting the family of T. Lazell a few days and returned home Tuesday.


Mrs. L. L. Blair is quite sick with chills and fever.

Supervisor Hopkinson of the township of Green is very sick with fever.

BIG RAPIDS CURRENT - 15 April 1880

J. B. Stone returned from Green-land last Saturday.

The election last Monday cost the city taxpayers $150.

A. S. Hobart has been on the sick list since Monday.

Two saloon keepers now occupy seats in our city council.

J. S. Lane has been spending a few weeks at Lansing, on business.

S. R. Lockwood is giving his house a new and attractive coat of paint.

J. F. Steinberger removed with his family to Milwaukee yesterday.

J. F. Reed went into the woods Tuesday morning, as foreman for O. Seaman, in charge of 80 men.

Misses Fannie and Maggie Crawford gave their young associates a pleasant party last Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Chas. McIntyre, for everal years a resident of this city, removed to Bloomington, Ill., yesterday, where her husband has been employed for several months past.

Mrs. Thomas McCulloch has just returned from Chicago with a stock of millinery goods, and has opened up a new shop at the first door south of Fairman's Bank.

J. Wiseman's store is being improved with a drab coat of paint.

W. D. Moody is building an addition 24 by 40 feet, to the rear of his livery barn.

Mrs. N. Blackwood commenced a select school in the south room of A. Porter's store last MOnday.

We are pleased to see neighbor Glidden out again Monday morning. The measles apparently handled him roughly.

C. H. Thrall has removed his law office from the national bank block to the Pacific House block, over Crawford's grocery.

Miss Carrie Pierson will teach in the Langworthy district, in the town of Green, this summer, and will commence next Monday.

Miss Delia Chittenden, a niece of N. H. Beebe of this city is teaching at the Cobb schok house in the town of Big Rapids. She began last Monday.

Mrs. C. R. Smith, who resided morth of the upper depot, died last Thursday morning, after an illness of several months. She was sick at the time their house caught fire, the 26th og last month, and the excitement hastened her death. Her remains were taken to Ohio for interment, her husband accompaning them; and at the request of her son and other relatives and neighbors who remained here, funeral services were held at the M. E. church Sunday afternoon, Revv. C. L. Barnhart preaching the sermon.

Miss Sarah Brewer of Grand Rapids is visiting J. T. Escott's family.

Rev. C. Z. Allen of the township of Grant spent last Sunday in the city.

J. C. Clark has returned from the west, where he has been for the past year.

Henry Escott, formerly of the county, has moved to Woodville, Newaygo county and started a meat market.

I. O. R. Ward, the new treasurer of the township of Austin was in the city Tuesday.

B. E. Hutchinson has purchased W. L. Robert's house and lot on Stewart avenue, just north of the Presbyterian church.

La Fayette Stengle lost two of his fingers in a shaping machine, in the furniture factory last Saturday. He does not like the shape.

Mrs. S. P. Phelps has been enjoying a few weeks visit from her cousin, Mrs. Almira Davis of Minonk, Ill. She returned home Monday.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Warren died yesterday morning, and the funeral will take place at the hoouse this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

BIG RAPIDS CURRENT - 5 January 1881

Dr. I. W. Badger is spending a few weeks visiting friends in Indiana.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Marsh have been enjoying a few week's visit from Mr. Marsh's mother.

L. L. Blair and wife have been enjoying a few weeks visit from Mr. Blair's mother. She returned to her home in Kalamazoo last Saturday.

Wm. Montgomery has just opened a paint shop in the rear of A. C. Hunt's feed store. He is the straightest-haired painter that ever wielded the brush in Big Rapids and "don't you forget it."

B. F. Graves of Adrian, formerly Prosecuting Attorney of this county, is in town looking after David Drake Cooper, the editor of the Regulator, who charges him with bribery in the matter of the proposed purchase of the Opera Block in 1878 for a county court house.

Miss Sabina Schall of Reed City is in town visiting friends.

Hon. O. O. Stanchfield of Ludington atopped in town Monday night.

John R. Snyder of the town of Green was in the city yesterday and called at the Current office.

Robert Caster and wife of Croton, Newaygo county, were visiting friends in this city. Mrs. C. was formerly Miss Berity.

Addison Carpenter of the township of Morton lost his little boy, aged 5 years, last Thursday. He died with diptheria.

Hon. Fred J. Russell, the new judge of this 11th judicial circuit, is holding court at the opera house this week. He is a fine and noble looking man, making a very favorable impression upon all who meet him; and he presides upon the bench with dignity and marked ability, dispatching business with commendable promptness. While we hated to lose Judge Brown, our own townsman, from the bench, we feel sure that Governor Jerome has made no mistake in filling the vacancy.

James Jones, the pioneer wagon maker of Big Rapids and vicinity who has lived alone over his wagon shop on Michigan avenue for many years, was taken sick recently and grew worse until, his conditio becoming some what alarming, his son came from New York state and took him home with him. "I" new Jimmie" Jones, as he was familiarly known, is well advanced in years and will probably not take up his abode in this city again. He is well known throughout this region and is respected and exteemed by all who know him.

BIG RAPIDS CURRENT - 2 February 1881

Miss Ella Barber of Howard City has been in town a few days visiting friends.

Rev. E. W. Miller exchanged pulpits with Rev. J. C. Mitchell of Fremont Centre last Sunday.

Miss Anna Campbell of Kansas is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. G. Gill of this city. She has been stopping for a year with friends in New Jersey.

The case of Albert Fairchilds, charged with setting the Morley fire, is on trial in the circuit court as we go to press, and will probably occupy the entire day.

BIG RAPIDS CURRENT - 4 January 1882

Dr. Bigelow has a new ad this week. Look it over.

Mrs. J. M. Darrah is visiting friends at La Fayette, Indiana.

Rev. E. W. Miller exchanged pulpits with W. G. Puddefoot of White Cloud, last Sunday.

Parker & Carpenter are offering tempting inducements in odds and ends. See their new ad this week.

' W. W. Carpenter, returned last Monday from a short visit to his old home at Kalamazoo.

Geo. W. Streeter, postmaster at Sylvester, was in the city last Monday and made the Current another very acceptable visit.

The Congregational social this week will be entertained at the residence of City Treasurer Hunt on Friday evening. A literary programme is in preparation.

D. C. Fuller, attorney at law in Millbrook, was in the city yesterday attending a suit before Commissioner Thrall.

Mrs. E. F. Burdick of Sylvester w3as in the city last Thursday and called at the Current office. It was her first visit to Big Rapids since she moved into the county 14 years ago.

Miss Nellie Porter was happily surprised last Saturday evening by an unexpected call from some of her young friends, who called to congratulate her upon the return of another birthday anniversary, and to leave several nice presents.

Dr. W. S. Whitney, who faithfully and successfully attended Fred and Jay Stimson through their recent seige with the diptheria, was substantially assured last week of the appreciationof his services by the presentation to him by the boys of a magnificent gold headed cane.

The timely discovery of the fire in the roof of the Bailey block, formerly occupied by Chas. Burtsch's meat market. prevented what might been a serious conflagration, last Thursday. No general alarm was given but the flames were extinguished by the lively handling of water in pails.


Supervisor Cartwright of Hinton was in the city last Monday.

H. Bovee has again opened up a jewelry shop between Wiseman and Vandersluises' stores.

Mrs. J. A. Sprague and her father went to Grand Rapids yesterday to attend a family re-union.

Fred Ford dislocated his ankle joint last Thursday. He slipped whike at work in McElwee's mill.

Mrs. C. J. Hood has been enjoying a visit from her aunt, Mrs. A. Parker of Elba, Genessee county, N. Y. She returned home last Monday.

The contract for carrying the mail to and from the lower G. R. I. depot has been awarded to H. B. Wood.

B. E. Hutchinson is enjoying a visit from his sister, Mrs. A. Beal of LaPorte, Ind. She arrived last Thursday.

The funeral of J. M. Darrah's little girl will take place at the famiky residence this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

M. Coleman is now a Deacon in the Congregational church. He was elected to that office last Saturday evening.

Geo. Shields has purchased a lot at the corner of Stewart avenue and Locust street, and will build a new house thereon this summer.

Charlie Bigelow started on a tour through the western states and territories last Thursday, in company with James Voller of Evart.

Miss Dania Watson is visiting former school-mates and friends at Albion college, and reviewing the jolly times of her former school days there.

The M. E. social at O. E. Mann's last Wednesday evening was a pleasant affair. The attendance was good, and all present enjoyed their entertainment in that snug little home.

Mrs. A. King was taken suddenly with a heart difficulty last Monday and fell on her way from the street to her house, but she was helped into her house and has pretty much recovered.

Rev. C. L. Barnhart of Ionia, pastor of the M. E. church in this city from 1878 to 1880, was in town last Wednesday shaking hands with old friends and acquaintances.

Judge Jenkins having disposed of all the cases over which Judge Fuller was disqualified for presiding, returned home last Saturday, and the latter has been holding court this week. The jury was discharged yesterday.

James Carver, a well known drug clerk in this city and one of the Big Rapods' best young men, has returned to this city again, and after a few weeks visit with his parents and friends at Troy, N. Y., and now has charge of the Northern drug store.

W. B. Falk, one of F. O. Vandersluises' faithful clerks, sprained his ankle quite badly a week ago last Sunday morning. His foot caught in the bed clothes when he got out of bed in the morning, and he didnt light on the floor as he intended too. He says it wasn't caused by getting up to early Sunday morning.

F. Fairman spents almost the whole of last Friday and Saturday on the witness stand, before the circuit court commissioner at Reed City, and the most of the night intervening in the examination of account books, all in a contested case of foreclosure of mortgage between the late banking firm of Fairman & Potter and W. H. Kessler.

The case of the People vs. Albert Fairchild, which came on for a re-hearing in the circuit court last week, having been sent back for that purpose by the supreme court, was nolle prosiqued, and Mr. Fairchild was at once re-arrested. He waived examination and was held for trial at the next term of the circuit court when the case will probably be tried again.

David Westfall is building a new home on his farm on section 6, town of Big Rapids.

A. S. Hobart started for New York last Monday morning after new goods. He will be absent about two weeks.

Ex-Presiding Elder A. J. Russell preached at the M. E. church last Sunday morning, and led in the singing.

BIG RAPIDS CURRENT - 9 August 1882


Mrs. J. Stewart of the town of Hinton and sister of H. J. Brown of Altona died on Wednesday, July 25th and was buried on the following day. Rev. Ambrose conducting the funeral service. She left a little two week old and five other children orphans. Mr. Stewart having died four months before. She had been a resident of Hinton many years, and was highly esteemed by qall who knew her.

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