Mecosta County Businesses and Business People

Clothing & Gent's Furnishings

Quirk's Furniture

Borland Store - near Stanwood

Mercy Hospital

Douglas Roben - Attorney & Real Estate

Frank E. Markham (Sign-writing, painting & decorating)

Opera Block and Court House

Holly Water Worksk

Smith-Morrissey-Stickney-Fairman & Newton Block

Big Rapids First Hotel

Big Rapids Saw Mills

Morris & Crane Mercantile Business

Joseph O'Laughlin Grocery

A.R. Morehouse Grocery

Bulletin and Herald Newspaper Business

Fairman Block - Pics of several businesses

Frank H. Lange - Merchant Tailoring

Hangstafer Meat Market

Ladner & Morton Clothing Store

1906 - George F. Fairman Drug Store.

1907-1908 Saloons of Big Rapids

Big Rapids City Laundry

The Northern Hotel