37th Illinois Infantry, Company D

37th Illinois Infantry,
Company D

I do not have a history of this Company or Regiment. I would appreciate any information. It would appear the Company was raised in Manistee, Michigan in 1861.


Abernathy, Fielding Manistee 27
Alexander, Benjamin Pentwater 40
Anderson, Augustus Hamlin 22
Anderson, John Hamlin 20
Arno, Joseph Hamlin 33
Berdendehi, Augustus G, Hamlin 28
Brink, John Manistee 27
Brown, Albert Manistee 22
Brown, John Hamlin 20
Buhler, Justus Manistee 30
Bunch, Joseph Manistee 21
Burg, Samuel Pentwater 30
Burton, James H. Manistee 31
Calback, John Manistee 41
Chandler, Gustavus Manistee 23
Crossett, Theodore Chicago n/a
Delro, Alfred Hamlin 20
Dimond, John Chicago 29
Dock, Peter Lincoln 21
Doebler, John Lincoln 32
Ellsworth, Frank Manistee 24
Emerson, Harlow n/a 41
Englebritsen, Erick Lincoln 23
Franschtler, Jacob Duck Lake 23
Greenbeck, Peter E. n/a n/a
Hamilton, William Chicago 19
Happa, Frank Lincoln 26
Harrington, John Pentwater 24
Holmes, John Manistee 20
Honlin, Philip Manistee 28
Jarvis, Charles Manistee 28
Jerard, Jerome Manistee 34
Johnson, William Manistee 22
Jones, John Manistee 20
Kaufman, Frederick Hamlin 25
Kendall, Edward Manistee 24
Kline, John Lincoln 28
Koerner, Henry Manistee 30
Large, Frank Hamlin 26
Lebasch, Charles F. n/a 25
Lebonta, John Pentwater 23
Lecondar, Charles Hamlin 28
Logerwick, John Lincoln 22
McGee, Edward Lincoln 27
McGuire, Mathew Lincoln 22
McLane, George Manistee 38
McNally, James Manistee 25
Mazelle, William n/a n/a
Mears, Edwin n/a n/a
Messerlin, Fred Hamlin 36
Morand, John Lincoln 23
Odell, Lannar G. Manistee 21
Peterson, Charles Manistee 43
Peterson, Erik Manistee n/a
Seabury, John Manistee 22
Scrall, Edward Manistee 23
Stevens, Richard Pere Marquette n/a
Stick, John Manistee 19
Stubbs, Freeman Manistee 18
Stubbs, Stillman Manistee 52
Stutz, John Manistee 26
Sullivan, John Pere Marquette 23
Thelin, Modest Manistee n/a

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