Articles about Osceola County
from the Evart Review

Evart Review September 15, 1922

A list of the teachers who will be in charge of the rural schools of the County this Fall has been prepared by O.J. Heber. County Commissioner of schools and has just been released. Many of the teachers are new this year while others have been teaching for a number of years and have had much experience. This list includes many of those who passed the county teachers' examination held recently under Mr. Heber's direction, and graduates from the County Normal School. The teachers and their districts are as follows:

Burdell Township
District 2 Gladys Hoffman, Tustin R 1
District 3 Tustin Village - six teachers
District 4 Myra Russell, Tustin R.1
District 5 Mabel Coon, Tustin R.1
District 6 Lillian Anderson, Tustin R 1
District 8 Laura Carlsonn, Tustin R 1

LeRoy Township
District 1 Serua Pepper, LeRoy R 2
District 2 Mrs Myrtle Holmes, LeRoy R 1
District 3 Undecided
District 5 LeRoy Village - five teachers
District 6 Minnie Berger, LeRoy R 1

Lincoln Township
District 1 Helen Wilcox, Reed City R 3
District 2 Hazel Lundborg, Reed City R 3
District 3 Caswell A. Price, Reed city R 4
District 4 Florence Lumbert, LeRoy R 3
District 5 Marvel Gawthrop, Ashton
District 6 Esther Lindell, Reed City R 4
District 7 Rose Kailing, Reed City R 1
District 8 Winona Gerhart, Reed City R 1

Richmond Township
District 1 Undecided
District 2 Glen Schoenhal, Reed City 2
District 3 Marie Pratt, Reed City
District 4 Reva Shank, Reed City
District 5 Irene Toman, Reed City
District 7 Reed City Village - 15 teachers
District 8 Ethel Mitchell

Sherman Township
District 1 Bessie Gerberich, Tustin R 3
District 2 Dighton Village
District 3 Linnea Kilgren, Tustin R 3
District 5 Margaret Schmidt, Tustil R 3
District 6 Arthur E. Johnson, Tustin R 3
District 7 Kenneth Sprau, Tustin R 3
Rose Lake Township
District 1 Myrtle Werner, LeRoy R 3
District 2 Phyllis Randall, LeRoy R 2
District 3 Mrs. Myrtle Gugle, LeRoy R 2
District 4 Mrs. Margaret McDonald, Evart R 3
District 5 Exra Balzer, LeRoy R 3

Cedar Township
District 1 Mrs. Florence Pontz, LeRoy R 3
District 2 Irene Francisco, LeRoy R 3
District 3 Alta Francisco, Reed City R 3

Hersey Township
District 1 Mrs. Ethel Blanchard, Hersey R 1
District 2 Eva Drescher, Hersey R 1
District 3 Mrs. Carl Root
District 4 Mrs. Natalie Root, Hersey R 2
District 5 Hersey Village - 5 teachers
District 6 Lillian Morlock, Hersey R 1

Highland Township
District 1 Eva M. Brown, Tustin R 2
District 2 Frank Cooper, Marion R 3, Adah Cooper, Marion R 3
District 3 Gertrude Gibbs, Marion R 3 .

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