Red Coats
Submitted by Nute Chapman
From Onaway Outlook November 14, 2014

Caption: (No caption)
As the red coat season approaches us, we bring you a picture of some Onaway deer hunters. This picture was taken at a hunting camp off Rush Lake Road.
Butch Gall and I spent a few weeks here one summer. Alex McKenzie was cutting the pulpwood off from this hunting club for Claude Post. Butch and I would start every morning at first light and peel full-length poplar logs until the heat would shut us down. We used peeling spuds made from a truck spring. Don't recall banking any money from this venture, but gained a lot of experience and did some fishing.
We gave the names of five of the six hunters in this picture. In no special order they are Jack Petchell, Lynwood Smith, Clayton Smith, Dan Farrow, and Dorcas DeRosia. I knew all of these Onaway icons when I was a teenager.
Note the large buck in the center behind the men.
From the Onaway Outlook, November 14, 2014, page 3.
Retyped by J. Anderson

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