Obituary for Sgt. William Zalsman, Jr.


Graveside military services for Sgt. William Zalsman, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Zalsman Sr., 139 Cummings av., NW, a tank commander of the 11th armored division, who was killed in action in Germany April 5, 1945, will be held at 3 p.m. at Rosedale Memorial park.

Sgt. Zalsman was 23 years old at the time of his death which occurred at a battlefront in southern Germany. His parents received the Silver Star and Purple Heart medals awarded posthumously to Sgt. Zalsman.

Sgt. Zalsman attended Davis Tech High school, later being employed by the Borden Dairy Co. He was inducted into the army in October, 1944.

Besides his parents he is survived by two brothers, Robert and Harvey and a sister Dorothy all of Grand Rapids. The body will arrive at the Strien Alman funeral home Friday.


Obit available at Herrick Public Library, Holland, Michigan

Name of the newspaper publishing this obit was not listed.

Contributed by: Peggy Stempfly
Created: 18 April @013