Lakeside Cemetery
Port Huron, St. Clair County, Michigan

Burial Records

This list currently (October 16, 2002) contains 23,252 names.

In the First & Middle name column you might find their place of death if outside of St. Clair County and/or their age listed.

Under the DOD (date of death) column the burial date is actually listed.

Under Cemetery column, after the word Lakeside, you will find a slash mark with A, AA, CG etc. This is the section of the cemetery in which the person is buried. A, AA and CG are Common Ground and will have no tombstones.

There are several Lakeside Cemetery Tombstone Readings which cover the following sections and are presently being typed (Sept 10, 2002)

  • Babyland
  • Mausoleum (recorded 9 Aug 1982 by Helen Whiting, Marge Owens and Lois Wedge);
  • Section 3, A, B, CC, C-D, E, F, G, H, I, (read by Vivian Ozark, Becky Thomas, Marge Owens, Alta Runyon, Donna Landshoot, Beulah Short, Lois Wedge and typed by Dorothy F. Strevel) and retyped on database in alphabetically order by Kay Mitchell, Aug-Sept 2002.

Posting of this material on the world wide web was made possible by the work of Kay Mitchell

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